Just after raising South African hopes by suggesting relaxed visa requirements for saffas travelling to the EU, news surfaced of New Zealand now restricting South African visitors to their country….
No, no, it’s not what you’re thinking. We don’t have any pictures of someone’s gran or grandpa (bless their souls) here. What we’re talking about is South Africa’s real migrant…
When you think about your policies left in South Africa, it’s not always easy to know how to go about making changes or whether you need to make changes at…
South Africans who have relocated abroad often have several policies and assets left back home. Though they usually repatriate some of the funds offshore at some stage, they’re not always…
Most South African emigrants we deal with have made a choice to move after months of deliberation. More often than not, the choice is driven by desperation and hope for…
Leaving your home is never easy. One thing we see time and time again are those faces of disillusionment, pain and regret when we meet South African emigrants abroad. Such…
Want to know how to transfer your wealth from South Africa? As an Australian immigrant, you may have money stuck in South Africa without the knowledge to get it out….
Although there are still a few die-hard conspiracy theorists who believe climate change to be a completely bogus concept, most of the major scientific communities and nations have agreed that…
With yet another school shooting in the United States in the news, you may be wondering, as a South African emigrant, whether you’ve made the right choice to move abroad….
Once you’ve been abroad for a while, your mind tends to throw a barrage of flickering memories across your path each day. Little recollections that make you yearn for home…