Tax refunds for South Africans offshore

Are you a former South African tax resident working and living abroad?
Are you a foreign national who used to own a property in South Africa?

Tax refunds for South Africans offshore

Are you a former South African tax resident working and living abroad?
Are you a foreign national who used to own a property in South Africa?

Do you qualify for a tax refund from South Africa?

You could qualify for a tax refund from South Africa if you are a:

1. Former South African tax resident and:

  • only worked for part of the year;
  • worked for someone outside South Africa;
  • received a lump sum payment (like a bonus or redundancy);
  • had more than one employer during the year;
  • received interest income in South Africa; or
  • have not yet filed tax returns.

2. Foreign National and:

  • sold a property during the last 3 years.

Double tax agreements between South Africa and other countries

South Africa has various double tax treaty agreements with other countries. A double tax agreement is an internationally agreed to legislation between South Africa and another country and determines who holds taxing rights.

In instances where you are taxed on income in South Africa and another country, one must consult the specific tax treaty to determine the taxing rights. This may result in a tax refund from either South Africa or the other country.

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