Growing up in South Africa was made all the more enjoyable with the plethora favourite TV shows made available by the SABC. As kids, afternoons would be spent running around…
Growing up in South Africa was made all the more enjoyable with the plethora favourite TV shows made available by the SABC. As kids, afternoons would be spent running around…
“Wielie-wielie-walie, die aap sit op die balie. Tjoef-tjaf val hy af. Wielie-wielie-walie” – these are the words that swirled around in every South African kid’s head in the 80s. And…
No matter where South Africans end up living abroad, there’s no place like the one they left behind. The clichés are clichéd because they’re so incredibly true: there really is…
Before the days of ad blockers and media streaming, we had television adverts and lots of them. Every 15 minutes or so, the sitcom or soapie we were watching would…
There are many South Africans living all over the world and the reasons they have left South Africa are as varied as the countries they are currently living in. However,…
Former South African president Nelson Mandela once said that “There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered.”…
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