With financial emigration on the cards for so many South Africans living and working abroad, there are some things you need to know about life after financial emigration. Once you’ve…
Not so long ago, the term “Blocked Rand Account” was used when talking about the special account that was for asset allocation upon financial emigration from South Africa. A South…
Until recently the South African Reserve Bank used the term “blocked rand account” to refer to the special bank account allocated for your assets when you financially emigrate from South…
Moving abroad brings with many considerations and questions – and one of the biggest of these is how to manage your South African financial affairs when you are abroad. As…
Expat forums are full of it! Everyone’s talking about the dreaded blocked bank accounts required for financial emigration. Because, let’s be honest; everyone wants their money, but no one wants…
When dealing with financial emigration, there are a lot of daunting terms to wrap your head around. You hear things like blocked bank accounts, foreign capital allowances, form M.P. 336(b)…
From a young age, we are conditioned to handle our finances with utmost care. Living in a country where administrative battles with service providers, governmental departments and legislators are par…
Most expats living abroad who plan on returning to South Africa don’t need to concern themselves with the workings of a blocked rand account. If you’ve financially emigrated though, you’d better…