So you have decided to spread your wings and fly away to the land of your dreams. Great! But what about financial emigration? What about the nest egg that you…
Financial emigration and financial control are two terms that never seem to work together. For most people, emigration is a hard enough process, even without adding the hassle of transferring…
Life down-under can be a wonderful experience if you’re able to maintain the continuity you’ve had in your life in South Africa. Just because you are moving abroad doesn’t mean…
Dare to dream… When you were younger, you heard many little slogans that others laughed off as clichés, but you took to heart. Things like, “If you dream it, it…
This post first appeared on the Fresh Milk January 2014 edition. Of the tens of thousands of South Africans who left the country to go live abroad a great many…
And they’re not alone! Thousands of South African expat “Smiths”, living in over 105 countries, are all smiling their way to a local bank… Emigration isn’t for sissies is an experience…
Imagine if you will. You’re a South African family living in Sydney, Texas, London, Ontario or Auckland. Mom, Dad and kids – all happily settled in new home, new schools…
South Africans are lekker people who live and work in really lekker places – London, New York, Perth, Ontario and Hermanus to name but a few … Social media like…
For once the saying ‘it’s too good to be true’ need not be taken with a pinch of salt. South Africans living outside the country are fully entitled to transfer…
Is the fair, and generally first, question people want an answer to when financial emigration comes up for discussion… The answer is no – short and sweet. Allow us be the myth busters because this…