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June 2013: Dank Fees jôl in Kent

We're privileged to be the main sponsor of this year's SA Congregation in Londons' Dankfees "flock together" at Hop Farm ...

May 2013: A fresh perspective on living annuities

At finglobal.com we are committed to exploring new and transparent avenues, in our endeavour to provide South Africans living abroad ...

May 2013: PPS 2013 Road Show – United Kingdom

This year's PPS UK Road Show co-hosted by Investec, takes place from 17 - 21 June to which our CEO, ...

May 2013: Doing us proud – born in the RSA!

In previous issues of fresh milk we've sung the praises of fellow countrymen who achieved international icon status. We have, ...

May 2013: Don’t get divorced from your family wealth – financially emigrate

Imagine if you will. You're a South African family living in Sydney, London, Ontario or Argentina. Mom, Dad and kids ...

May 2013: Consider exchange control regulation before swiping your card

Subsequent to a previous fresh milk article on swiping SA credit and debit cards while living abroad we've encountered a ...

May 2013: Chris Cameleon tours Down Under

The name Cameleon conjures up 'oohs', 'aahs' and 'encores' - as a musician his reputation precedes him. We're pleased as ...

April 2013: PPS’s Big Profit – 2013

April 2013: The Professional Provident Society of South Africa announced their highest profit in 72-years, with R3.0 Billion going into ...

April 2013: Mrs Balls or Mr Broker – who do you miss the most?

Dealing with South African clients the world over - last count 63 countries - we've come to know the two ...

April 2013: If you have money in SA you need a bank account!

You may think you no longer have money in South Africa, but chances are you do. Any funds lefts behind ...

April 2013: How to get rid of the tax skeletons in your closet

SARS has extended the Voluntary Disclosure Program deadline to indefinite, which is good news. This gives taxpayers living with concerns ...

April 2013: What you don’t know about J.R.R. Tolkien

J.R.R. Tolkien was born 3 January 1892 in Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, South Africa! At age three he went to ...

March 2013: SA budget deficit – who’s fooling who

...was an '80's R&B hit song by Al Hudson. Sitting through budget comments at a recent tax seminar considering the ...

March 2013: Find all the cashkows.com information you need on Linkedin

One of our key business principles is to respect customers and subscribers' privacy and adhering to The Electronic Communications and ...

March 2013: Howzit Superbru? Let’s talk rugga!

Two words that all South Africans love and know are howzit andrugga! The finglobal.com Superbru megapool is standing on 1,842 ...

March 2013: cashkows.com helping South Africans in need

With South Africans finding themselves spread all over the globe,it's a small world. The sad fact - from time to ...

March 2013: The need to knows of Double Taxation

We've all made peace with the inevitable - death and taxes - and become used to change being the one ...

March 2013: Bowls and the art of pension transfers

The thriving metropolis of Hermanus attracted no less than 58 companies in the 2013 Business League Bowls Championship. Not one ...

March 2013: South Africa’s finest – Gary Player

Widely regarded as one of the greatest players in the history of golf – a prized South African ambassador who ...

March 2013: What could be more South African than the perfect braaibroodjie

"My hande is so ingebraai en taai dat ek die wors met my vingers omdraai. As ek agter die braai ...

February 2013: Let’s talk the international language of rugby!

Rugby is an international language understood by people the world over. It brings together all walks of life... young and ...