On 3 August 2016 South Africans will once again come together to vote for their municipal representatives in the municipal elections. Unfortunately South Africans living abroad aren’t eligible to vote in municipal elections, but that doesn’t mean they won’t cast an eye on their home country during these important events.
Political heat running up to the elections
There’s already been a lot of heat both internally and between different parties in the run-up to the elections. The Tshwane, Nelson Mandela Bay and City of Johannesburg metros are, in particular, receiving increased canvassing and rope-pulling between the DA, EFF and current ruling party, the ANC.
Which parties are represented in the 2016 municipal elections?
There are over 300 parties registered with the IEC for the 2016 municipal elections in various regions, including:
- Abahlabi Bemzansi Organisation (ABO)
- Abantu Democratic Revolution (ADR)
- Abolition of Income Tax and Usury Party (AITUP)
- Academic Congress Union (ACU)
- Active Movement for Change (AMC)
- Active United Front (AUF)
- Advieskantoor
- African Muslim Party – AMP
- Africa Unite Party (AUP)
- African Bond of Unity (ABU)
- African Christian Alliance-Afrikaner Christen Alliansie (ACA)
- African Christian Deomcratic Party (ACDP)
- African Freedom Salvation (AFS)
- African Independent Congress (AIC)
- African Liberation Party (ALP)
- African Mandate Congress (AMCO)
- African Mantungwa Community (AC)
- African National Congress (ANC)
- African National Party (ANP)
- African Nazareth Democratic Movement (ANDM)
- African Peace Party (APP)
- African People’s Convention (APC)
- African People’s Socialist Party (AP SP)
- African Power Movement (APM)
- African United Front (AUF)
- Afrika Borwa Kgulitsa Botho (ABKB)
- Agang South Africa (Agang SA)
- Agency for new Agenda (ANA)
- Agenda to Citizenry Governors (ACG)
- Al Jama-Ah (ALJAMA)
- Al Shura Party (ASP)
- All Unemployment Labour Alliance (AULA)
- Alliance for Democratic Freedom (ADF)
- Alliance of Democratic Congress (ADC)
- Allied Movement for Change (AM4C)
- Alternative African Allegiance (AAA)
- Alternative Democrats (AD)
- Ambassador Drive (A.D.)
- Anchor Reformed Political Party (ANCHOR)
- Answer for Community (AFC)
- Appropriate Mutual Understanding Patriotic Party (AMUPAPA)
- Arborgeniese Restorasie Koalisie (ARK)
- Are Ageng Afrika (AA)
- Asisikimeni Community Development and Advice Movement (ACDAM)
- Azanian Alliance Congress (AAC)
- Azania People’s Organisation (AZAPO)
- Badira Mmogo Freedom Party (BFP)
- Bitou Independent Party (BIP)
- Black Consciousness Party (BCP)
- Black Economic Empowerment Party (BEE)
- Black First Land First (BLF)
- Boere Staat Party of S.A. (B.S.P.)
- Bolsheviks Party of South Africa (BPSA)
- Botho Community Movement (BCM)
- Botshabelo Unemployment Movement (BUM)
- Breedevallei Onafhanklik (BO)
- Building a Cohesive Society (BACS)
- Bushbuckridge Residents Association (BRA)
- Cape Agulas Ratepayers Association (CARA)
- Cape Muslim Congress (CMC)
- Cape Party/Kaapes Party (CAPE)
- Cathcart Residents Association
- Christian Democratic Alliance (CDA)
- Christian Democratic Party (CDP)
- Christian Democrats
- Christian United Movement S.A (CUMSA)
- Christiana Belasting Betalers Verenig (CBBV)
- Civic Alliance of South Africa (CASA)
- Civic Independent (CI)
- Civic Voice (CVC)
- Civic Warriors of Maruleng
- Coloured Community Alliance (CCA)
- Coloured Voice (CV)
- Community and Workers Alliance (CWA)
- Community Coalition (COMCO)
- Community Congress (CC)
- Community of South Africa
- Community Party (CP)
- Congress of the People (COPE)
- Corrections & Civil Rights Movement (CCRM)
- D’Almedia Civic Association (D.C.A.)
- Deaf Patriotic Front (DPF)
- Democratic Action Party (DAP)
- Democratic Alliance (DA)
- Democratic Association of Witzenberg Independence (DAWI)
- Democratic Christian Party (DCP)
- Democratic Civic Organisation of South Africa (DECOSA)
- Democratic Community Movement (DCM)
- Democratic Independent Party (DI)
- Democratic Labour Party (DLP)
- Democratic Liberal Congress (DLC)
- Democratic Movement (DM)
- Democratic New Civic Association (DNCA)
- Democratic Party (DP)
- Die Bruin Stem van Suid-Afrika (DBSSA)
- Die Forum (DF)
- Die Volk Stem van Suider-AFrika (DVSVSA)
- Dienslewerings Party (DLRP)
- Dikwankwetla Party of South Africa (DPSA)
- Direct Democracy Forum (DDF)
- Displacees Rate-Payers Association (D.R.P.A)
- Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF)
- Economic Growth Organisation (EGO)
- Ecopeace (ECOPEACE)
- Eden Community Party (ECP)
- Ekurheleni Community Movement (ECM)
- Equal Rights Party
- Federal Congress (FEDCON)
- Federation of Democrats (FD)
- First Indigenous Movement of South Africa (FIMOSA)
- First Indigenous Nations Civic Association of South Africa (FINCASA)
- First Nation Liberation Alliance (FINLA)
- Forum 4 Service Delivery (F4SD)
- Front Nasionaal/Front National (FN)
- Gamagara Community Forum (GCF)
- George Independent Ratepayers Forum (G.I.R.F.)
- God’s People Party (G.P.P.)
- Gourikwa Khoisan
- Great Kongress of South Africa (GKSA)
- Groter Oudsthoorn People’s Forum (G.O.P.F)
- Hantam Ontwikkelings Forum (HOF)
- Heavenly Economic and Political Freedom Programme (HEPFP)
- His Lordship to Save and Lead Party
- Ikusasa Lesizwe Independent Movement (ILIMO)
- Independent Body of Communities (IBC)
- Independent Civic Organisation of South Africa (ICOSA)
- Independent Congress (I.C.)
- Independent Councillors (IC)
- Independent Democrats (ID)
- Independent Human Movement (I.H.M)
- Independent Party (IP)
- Independent People’s Party (IPP)
- Independent Ratepayers Association of SA (IRASA)
- Independent Sport Party (ISP)
- Indigenous People’s Organisation (IPO)
- Ingubu Yeskhethu Party (INGUBU)
- Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP)
- International Revelation Congress (IRC)
- Iqela Lentsango – Dagga Party
- Isithunzi Som-Afrika Econo Fighters (ISTHUNZI)
- Kaap Agulhas Civic Organasasie (KAPCO)
- Karoo Democratic Force (KDF)
- Karoo Gemeenskap Party (KGP)
- Karoo Ontwikkelings Party (KOP)
- Kathorus Concerned Residents (KCR)
- Keep it Straight and Simple (KISS)
- Kgatelopele Community Forum (KCF)
- Khai-Ma Onafhanklike Kandidate Koalisie (KOKO)
- Khoisan First Indigenous Political Party (KFIPP)
- Khoisan Kingdom and All People (KKAAP)
- Khoisan Party
- Khoisan Revolution (KSR)
- Khoisan United Front (KUF)
- Kingdom governance Movement (KGM)
- Knysna Unity Congress (K.U.C.)
- Konserwatiewe/Conservative Party (KP/CP)
- Koukamma Independent Party (KIP)
- Kwa-Zulu Natal Transport Alliance (KZNTA)
- Land Claims Fighters (L.C.F.)
- Langerberg Independent Party (LIP)
- Leadership Forum (LF)
- Lebaleng Community Party (LCP)
- Lebowakgomo Civic Organisation (LEBCO)
- Leihlo La Setjhaba Rainbow (LLSR)
- Lekgotla for Democracy Advancement (LEKGOTLA)
- Lepelle-Nkumpi Development Party (LNDP)
- Liberators Party (LIB)
- Libertarian Party South Africa (LIPSA)
- Limpopo Residents Association (LIRA)
- Limpopo Rural Social Activists (LIMRUSA)
- Local Government Party (LGP)
- Local People’s Party (LPP)
- Malamulele Community Association
- Maletsway Civic Association
- Maruleng Community Forum (MACOF)
- Merafong Civic Association (MECA)
- Metshimaholo Community Association (M.C.A.)
- Middelburg Residents Organisation (MRO)
- Midros Belange Forum (FORUM)
- Minorities of South Africa (MOSA)
- Minority Front (MF)
- Mogalakwena Residents Association (MRA)
- Mookgophong Party (MOOKGOPO)
- Moqhaka Apostolic Ministers Association (MAMA)
- Movement of god (MMG)
- Movement Democratic Party (MDP)
- Movement Democratic Party (MDP)
- Mpumalanga Party (MP)
- Mthatha Ratepayers and Residents Association (MRRA)
- Musina Community Party (MCP)
- Musina Mutale Unified Front (MMUF)
- Mzantsi People’s Front (MPF)
- Naboomspruit Belastings Vereniging (NBS BBV)
- Nasionaal Demokratiese Party/National Democratic Party (NDP)
- Nasionale Konserwatiewe Party van Suid-AFrika (NKP)
- National Christian Democratic Party (N.C.D.P.)
- National Convention of Azania (N.C.A.)
- National Democratic Convention (NADECO)
- National Freedom Party (NFP)
- National Independent Civic Organisation (NICO)
- National Independent Party (NIP)
- National Party South Africa (N.P.)
- National People’s Ambassadors (NPA)
- National People’s Party (NPP)
- National Republican Party (NRP)
- Nationalist Coloured Party of South Africa (NCPSA)
- Nehemiah Liberation Christian Party (N.L.C.P.)
- New Generation Party (NGP)
- New Hope Democratic Movement (NHDM)
- Nxuba Community Organisation
- Operation Khanyisa Movement (OKM)
- Organisation for Democracy and Freedom (ODF)
- Oudtshoorn Saam Staan (O.S.S.)
- Owethu Residents Organisation (OWETHU)
- Palmridge Community Forum (PALCOF)
- Pan African Socialist Movement of Azania (PASMA)
- Pan Africanist Congress of Azania (PAC)
- Pan Africanist Movement (PAM)
- Parliament of Polls Practical Administration and Diplomats (POPPAD)
- Patriotic Alliance (PA)
- Patriotic Association of South Africa (PASA)
- Patriotic Movement of South Africa (PAMSA)
- Peace and Justice Congress (PJC)
- People Centred Alliance (PCA)
- People with Disability Democratic Party (PDDP)
- People’s African Party (P.A.P.)
- People’s Alliance (PAL)
- People’s Civic Organisation (P.C.O.)
- People’s Democratic Movement (PDM)
- People’s Party of South Africa (PPSA)
- People’s Revolutionary Movement (PRM)
- Phumelela Ratepayers Association
- Plaaslike Besorgde Inwoners (PBI)
- Plettenberg Bay Community Forum (PCF)
- Poelano Revelation Party (PRP)
- Prem People’s Agenda (PREM)
- Prisoners Political Party (PPP)
- Progressive Alliance SA (PA(SA))
- Progressive Democratic Party (PDP)
- Randfontein People’s Party (R.P.P.)
- Regte Party/Right Party (RP)
- Republican Democrats (RD)
- Residence Association of South Africa (REAOSA)
- Rise Mzansi People’s Party (RMPP)
- Royal Loyal Progress (RLP)
- Sakhisiwe Progressive Movement (SAPROMO)
- Saldanha Bay Residents Alliance (SRA-SIA)
- SAS Colourful Party (SCP)
- Save Tsantsabane Coalition (STC)
- Security Workers Political Party (SWPP)
- Sekhukhune Congress (SC)
- Service Delivery Organisation (SDO)
- Service for All (SFA)
- Service to our People’s Party (STOPP)
- Shosholoza Progressive Party (SH!)
- Sibanye Civic Association (SCA)
- Simunye in Christ Organisation (SIMUNYE)
- Sindawonye Progressive Party (SPP)
- Singukukhanya Kwezwe Christian Party (SKCP)
- Sion Kingdom and Priesthood Everlasting (SKAPE)
- Sisonke Progressive Movement (SPM)
- Sizwe Ummah Nation (SUN)
- Social Democratic Party (SDP)
- Socialist Agenda of Dispossessed Africans (SADA)
- Socialist Civic Movement (SCM)
- Socialist Green Coalition (SGC)
- Socialist Radical Change (SRC)
- South Africa Civics (SAC)
- South African People’s Party (S.AH.P.P.)
- South African Business Party (SABP)
- South African Christian Movement (SACM)
- South African Civic Social Development Movement (SADSDM)
- South African Communist Party (SACP)
- South African Determined Volunteers (SaDev)
- South African Maintenance and Estate Beneficiaries Association(SAMEBA)
- South African People for Equality (SHAPE)
- South African Political Alliance (SAFPA)
- South African Political Association (SAPA)
- South African Progressive Civic Organisation (SAPCO)
- South African Religious Civic Organisation (SARCO)
- South African Security Organisation (SASO)
- South African United Party (SAUP)
- South Cape Community Forum (SCCF)
- Sterkspruit Civic Association (CIVIC)
- Sterkspruit Development Forum (SDF)
- Strength Of Hummanity (SOH)
- Thabazimbi Residents Association (TRA)
- The Employment Movement of South Africa (EMSA)
- The Green Party of South Africa (GPGP)
- The Greens
- The People’s Independent Civic Organisation (TPICO)
- The Promise of Freedom (T.P.F.)
- The Real Party (T.R.P.)
- The Socialist Party of Azania (SOPA)
- Thembisa Concerned Residents Association (TECRA)
- True Freedom Party (TFP)
- Truly Alliance (TA)
- Tsantsabane Community Forum) (T.C.F.)
- Tzaneen Freedom Party (T.F.P.)
- Ubumbano Lwesizwe Sabangoni (UBUMBANO)
- Ubuntu Party (UBUNTU)
- Unemployed People’s Association (U.M.P.A.)
- Umhlaba Uhlagene People’s United Nations (UUPUN)
- Umnotho Democratic Front (UDF)
- Unemployment Movement SA (UMSA)
- Unified Popular Movement (UPM)
- United Action Front (UAF)
- United African Democrats (UAD)
- United Christian Democratic Party (UCDP)
- United Congress (UNICO)
- United Constructive Party (U.C.P.)
- United Democratic Movement (UDM)
- United Democrats (UD)
- United Franschhoek Valley (UFV)
- United Front (U.F.)
- United Front Of Civics (UFC)
- United Front of the Eastern Cape (UFEC)
- United Majority Front (UMF)
- United Party (UP)
- United People of South Africa (UPSA)
- United People’s Party (UPP)
- United Residents Front (URF)
- United State of Africa Organisation (USAO)
- Universal Civics of South Africa (UCOSA)
- Value Education Nationalism Democracy in Africa (VENDA)
- Voice of Independents Party (VIP)
- Vryheidsfront Plus (VF PLUS)
- Ward Democratic Forum (WDF)
- Western Cape Community (WCC)
- Witzenberg Aksie (WA)
- Women Forward (WF)
- Workers and Socialist Party (WASP)
- Workers International Vanguard Party (WIVP)
- Workers Party (WP)
- Working-Together Political Party (W.T.P.P.)
- World African Power United Kingdom Wealthiest (WAPUKW)
- World Solidarity Movement (WSM)
- Ximoko Party (XP)
- Zulu Royal Property (ZRP)
South Africans across the world will wait with bated breath to see what the results of this year’s elections will be.