It’s remarkable where some Saffers have ended up in the world but more so their significant achievements which oftentimes go unmentioned. There are enough stories for us to write the TV series Local Boy made good…
Why are you receiving fresh milk? South Africans of the World Unite? Another Old Boys’ Club? Neither – it’s our way to stay in touch with fellow countrymen who’ve started new lives in other parts of the world or thinking it’s time to explore new shores. If you’ve decided it’s time to take the Perth to Pretoria ‘plane – we’ll help you make the return trip a hassle free experience also.
Our purpose in life? To make moving money from Malvern to Melbourne an easy, cost effective experience. Dealing with banks and bureaucracy, currencies, time zones and cross-border tax challenges is what we do.
What do Elon Musk and Japie van Zyl have in common? Both South African-born, now living in the USA. PayPal, the largest Internet payment system, was the brainchild of Elon Musk, while broadening migration prospects to Mars is what dr. van Zyl is working on!
Do you have an inspiring Local Boy made good story to share? Please feel free to send yours here. Should you prefer not to receive mail from simply click the unsubscribe button below, we’ll understand.
The Taxman – your new best friend
The window of opportunity has been open since 1 October 2010 and with only 107 days to go tax advisors share the opinion there won’t be a third extension of this deadline. Unaware South Africans, please take note: no matter where you live right now; whether you’re an absent landlord or a beneficiary of a future inheritance income vested in local property; given the economic climate and weak ZAR this opportunity presents a guaranteed financial return.
The math is simple. Depending whether you live in South Africa or abroad you stand to save between 13 and 27% in capital gains tax in addition to the 5.5% in transfer fees, based on your properties’ current market value. Act before 1 December. Don’t fall foul of the snooze you losefactor!
Taking the Tax Man up on this generous offer is as easy as sending an email and leaving the rest up to Hugo van Zyl, our cross-border tax master. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth – the clock is ticking.
Growth: organic or demand driven?
With thousands of clients in over 105 countries over the world we’ve managed to move close on R450 million in Saffers’ money to new home countries.
Like all good things was born out of a simple challenge: how to make it easier for South Africans to move their retirement and other financial assets to their newly chosen home country? “What appeared an apparent impossibility for even the most astute and patient expat became our mantra” says CEO and founder Ryno Viljoen. Impossible is nothing. Anything is possible.
Thousands of man hours have gone into developing our secure online operating is a hand-reared brand with a pedigree of its own. We have our clients and a deeply committed team of people to thank for bringing us to this milestone. There are literally hundreds of thousands of South Africans who still haven’t heard of us. Our system is geared to help in the successful migration of their money. At this point in time that’s the most rewarding feature of our business …”
Please spare a moment to have a look around our new, one week old website. Thank you Brennan and the IT team for the time and energy added to your busy day jobs and the hundreds of hours of sleep you have to catch up on.
Thanks to Facebook.
In no time they caught up as if time has stood still. The fact that she’s in Albany, Australia and he lives in Cape Town makes no difference to a great (almost lost) friendship.
The moral of the story? must be one of the best social media sites for expats to look up and hook up to meet and greet old friends and make new ones! You won’t know who’s living in the same city or country as you if you don’t start looking.
The challenge: let’s see who meets who, who catches up with who between anywhere and Timbuktu. The reward? Thousands of renewed friendships to be won! Can’t buy me love. Money can’t buy me love.
Innocent conversation.
Straight forward, innocent interest in who’s wearing what today. Sweater or shirtsleeves?
A bit more (shall we say) interesting would be. “What’re you doing about your South African investments Jack? Given the state of the Rand I’m thinking of moving mine …”
For straight forward, healthy financial conversation follow the ZAR on
Global Citizens of the World.
Pondering Panda’s Hope Index, which surveyed over 18,000 young South Africans, indicated many of them don’t have faith in the future of their country and we could see the country losing another generation to emigration in the next ten years.
This scenario poses two importances. Young people have to make sure they are suitably qualified to be accepted into the international world. Most important of all, both parents and their children should ensure their affairs are in order when deciding to migrate to greener pastures. “It’s calledfinancial emigration planning … Which basically means getting your house in order for the day you or your children decide to leave the country. Properly preparing for this day means you can move your money around the world as you see fit. The truth? The responsibility rests with both parents and children for a successful future – irrelevant if or when anyone decides to migrate.”
To find out more about what financial emigration entails and the underlying financial benefits, why not contact one of our Migration consultants? Could be the most profitable email you’ll have sent in a long time. Read more about How many South Africans have left the country?