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SA Expats: There’s cash in unclaimed policies and NO SMALL PRINT

The generic skepticism about what one can and cannot expect when wanting to cash-in a policy because of “small print” ...

SA Expats: Unclaimed policies and counting chickens

People typically start buying policies in their late 20’s and early 30’s. At this life stage the premiums are affordable ...

Expats losing out on unclaimed policies in South Africa

By Ryno Viljoen Did you pay policy premiums prior to leaving South Africa? If so, you could be in for ...

SA Expats: Emigration Fear Factor vs. Dual Citizenship

Believe it or not: the most common angst associated with emigrating from South Africa? Do I lose my South African ...

SA Expats: When to take the pension gap?

Is the question we’ll all be asking ourselves sooner or later...South Africans, living and working abroad, who rely on their ...

Cash in and transfer your South African retirement annuity yourself…?

By Mariette Janse van Rensburg I spoke to a lady on the phone yesterday, desperate for help. The past 18 ...

SA Expats: Blocked Rand Account is Good!

While these may sound like words from Confucius’ mouth it is our myth buster pleasure to clarify yet a misunderstood ...

Don’t delay! Avoid retirement investment decay!

Many South African expats left their pensions, policies and other financial assets behind when they upped and offed to go ...

Don’t lose grip of your family’s wealth in South Africa!

Imagine if you will. You're a South African family living in Sydney, Texas, London, Ontario or Auckland. Mom, Dad and ...

SA Expats’ FAQ: Do I lose my citizenship when emigrating from South Africa?

Is the fair, and generally first, question people want an answer to when financial emigration comes up for discussion... The ...

SA Expats: Improve your Retirement Readiness

“The question isn't at what age I want to retire; it's at what income.” George Foreman, Two-Time Boxing Heavyweight Champion ...

SA Expats living in Isle of Man and the UK?

Still holding retirement annuities or pension investments back in South Africa? To discuss your options with a consultant  call Steve ...

How to protect your South African inheritance when living in Australia?

By Estate Planning Specialist Shirley Tascone "It's important for South African expats to emigrate in order to protect their South ...

SA Expats – 7 Benefits of owning your own home!

Security- when you buy a property it feels like a home because it really is your home. As a homeowner ...

SA Expats – Turn your retirement annuity into a deposit on your own home!

South African expats living abroad and holding retirement annuities back home have two choices: When paying a landlord’s mortgage because ...

SA Expats – Why rent when you can buy? How to buy when you’re renting?

A self-made millionaire once told me …“I don’t buy property to sell – I buy property to rent” … after ...

SA Expats – 60 is the new 40. Retiring is a yesteryear concept

Cost of living, coupled with longer life expectancy and the continuing depreciation of the South African Rand relative to major ...

SA Expats – Take control of your own destiny. Own your own home!

Given this depreciation trend the return of an expat’s South African based retirement investment - relative to major world currencies ...

The smart way to move your assets abroad

For our forefathers to have moved their assets around there was no mountain high enough...they loaded the ox wagons, gathered ...

South Africans – Here’s an easy way to move your money abroad

As a South African expat living and working abroad or happily living in the Old Transvaal, Western Cape or other ...

SA EXPATS: 5 Reasons to cash-in your South African Retirement Annuities

SA legislation now allows you to surrender your policies before age 55 You can transfer the FULL CAPITAL VALUE of ...