Need a bit of extra cash, but don’t have the time or inclination to get a second job? You might have heard about the FinGlobal Ambassador Programme but haven’t signed up for it yet. If not, why not? The FinGlobal Ambassador Programme is anything but “just another rewards programme”. It’s easy to sign up for, it’s uncomplicated to understand, and best of all; it will add real value to the lives of those you refer. What could make you feel better than earning a decent commission while helping people you care about at the same time? Nothing; that’s what! Heard enough? Are you ready to learn more about becoming an Ambassador for FinGlobal? Let’s jump right in.
What is the Refer & Earn Program and what’s in it for You?
What if the only requirement there was for you to earn 5% of a whopping amount of money was just to know someone moving abroad? What if all you have to do is share a post on Facebook or Instagram to add a bit of bulk to your purse/wallet? It almost sounds too easy, doesn’t it? Well, it’s not “too easy”; it’s actually just the right amount of easy.
If you have friends that have moved overseas or know people who are thinking about moving or working abroad, or even if you are living and working abroad and know of a few expats that could do with the financial help and advice, now is the time to act. Now is the time to point them in the right direction to affordable financial help. Perhaps you can help them out by putting them in touch with an expert team that helps them get more out of their financial situation…and helps you get a little something out of it too!
How It All Works
When you sign up for the Finglobal Ambassador Programme, you don’t have to spend time and money creating your own adverts, building a website or going door to door handing out flyers. In fact, all that is required from you is a few seemingly careless social media shares here and there. You can post your adverts while you brush your teeth in the morning or share an email or two with friends while you check your morning emails. What’s more is that you can be an existing customer of FinGlobal, or just someone who wants to help others to have better control of their finances, to be part of the programme. Helping people (you included) is what it’s all about. After all, that’s what friends are for, right?
As part of the programme, you will be provided with access to an entire library of ready-to-go-social adverts to choose from. Post these adverts on your social media pages. Then, all you need to do is wait. When someone responds or clicks on your advert – sending them through to the FinGlobal team – the link will be tracked and the team will know that it originates from your specific advert. Sounds easy right? It really is that simple.
Once the client reaches a FinGlobal consultant and converts to a paying customer (they accept our advice and quote), you (yes you!) receive a nice 5% thank-you-very-much commission. You can get your earnings delivered directly into your bank account.
Of course, you want to be in complete control of your commission. FinGlobal understands that desire and caters to it by providing all Ambassadors with access to a personal dashboard, where they can track their earnings, view monthly stats, check out their pay-outs, get access to the library of adverts to use, and even watch a few helpful tutorials.
What to do?
You might wonder what you need to do in order to be part of the FinGlobal Ambassador Programme and earn a decent income. It’s really quite a simple process. All you need to do is share, share, and share some more. It’s really that simple. You can also keep your eyes and ears open for conversations that revolve around transferring South African funds abroad, understanding the difference between tax and financial emigration, transferring SA retirement savings abroad before the age of 55, tax refunds, and of course, foreign exchange. Wait for the perfect moment in these conversations to share a post, provide a link, or put them in touch with us. You could even share your adverts with friends who have family moving and working abroad – chances are that they would like to help their family members out too. It couldn’t be easier to earn your 5%, could it?
How to Sign Up for the Ambassador Programme – Step by Step
Signing up for the FinGlobal Ambassador Programme is just as easy as understanding what it’s all about. Let’s take a look at the steps involved.
- Click on through to the FinGlobal Ambassador Programme’s Refer & Earn page.
- Next, click on register and prepare to provide a few quick personal particulars such as your full name, contact number and email, and your location – that’s it.
- When you click to the next step, you will be taken immediately to the Refer & Earn dashboard.
- Everything you need can be found clearly displayed on the menu on the left – your adverts library included.
- All that’s left to do is set up your banking details on the system, share your chosen adverts and rake in your earnings!
If you want to see how easy it is for yourself, register quickly. It takes a little less than 5 minutes! There’s nothing to lose and everything (5% commission at least) to gain.
FinGlobal: Cross-border financial specialists
At FinGlobal, we have been working with tax emigration and financial emigration for South African expats for 10 years. Over the years, we have learned just what it takes to get the most out of financial and tax emigration. We understand the implications of both processes and cater to the needs of our customers by providing a premier advisory and guidance service. It is our aim to ensure that South African expats the world over have access to affordable services that are fast, and efficient. For professional assistance and guidance regarding expat finances, contact us today. Simply give us a call or send us an email for more information and advice.