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August 2015: Tasty South African recipes

By August 1, 2015October 10th, 2023Newsletter

August 2015: Tasty South African recipes

August 1, 2015

From pickled fish, pumpkin fritters, buttermilk rusks, ‘melktert’, bunny chow to bobotie… all South Africans agree that we like ‘lekker’ food.

Did you know?

The bunny chow was created in Durban, home to a large indian community. Stories of its origin date back to the 1940s when migrant Indian workers arrived in South Africa. One account suggests that these migrants worked in the sugar cane plantations of Kwazulu-Natal and required a way of carrying their lunches to the field; a hollowed out loaf of bread was a convenient way to transport their vegetarian curries.

Check out the bunny chow and other favourite South African recipes which, depending on the ingredients, can be enjoyed anywhere in the world!

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