It’s lekker to see how South Africans of the world like to huddle together and share news, views and experiences in Afrikaans. A great example is Deon van der Heyde en Pieter Labuschagne’s internet broadcast from New Zealand. If music that reminds you of home is your thing, this will become your favourite radio station. What’s really lekker is being able to tune in on your PC while working or to listen on your mobile phone in the car.
To get a clearer understanding of what it is that we do for South Africans listen here to a recording of Pieter talking to our Mariette Janse van Rensburg in Afrikaans. Dis nie ‘n slegte idee om die praatjie na ander Afrikaanse expats aan te stuur nie. Mens weet nooit, miskien is dit net wat hulle nodig het.