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Finding the shortcut…

By October 31, 2014October 24th, 2023Retirement annuities

Finding the shortcut…

October 31, 2014

There is a story of the man who got lost in the middle of nowhere, who stopped to ask a local “how do I get there?” After a great deal of pondering, pointing and mind changing the local advised “Jammer meneer, maar meneer kannie daar uitkom van hierso af nie.”

That’s the story of many a South African expat living across the water who tried to locate their retirement annuity and pension monies for transfer to their new home country.

It is incredibly frustrating considering that you do not need to wait till age 55 to cash-in your retirement annuities when you face an 18-month bureaucratic dual.

However, There are umpteen thank yous and expressions of gratitude on our Facebook page of South Africans,living all over the world, who turned to as a faster way to access their funds.

The truth to be known there’s only one shortcut, which has worked more than 10,000 times in the last 5 years. It starts here Dis n plesier meneer!

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