South Africans are lekker people who live and work in really lekker places – London, New York, Perth, Ontario and Hermanus to name but a few …
Social media like Facebook, Skype, Google Plus and a myriad others not only make it easy to stay in touch with family, friends and loved ones – online transacting has become the everyday norm enabling us to conduct personal business around the clock. It doesn’t matter where you live these days – South Africa’s just a click away.
There are tens of thousands of South African expats who, when looking back in time, realise they’ve been living abroad for a decade or more and calling these lekker places home. How time flies when you’re having fun!
From a physical perspective the living part is correct, from a South African exchange control perspective however, many of these expats are still deemed South African residents who hold personal pensions, retirement annuities and properties back home.
In which case it makes a great deal sense to look ahead with the view to consolidate investments and financial assets in the country they’re calling home!
Moving your money abroad is not nearly as daunting a prospect as having made the initial decision to pack up to a new country – you can now do it online. Safe. Secure. Simple
If you subscribe to “home is where the heart is” you’ll want your money to be in a bank account near you too! is an authorized Financial Services Provider regulated by the South African Financial Services Board. FSP # 42872. Internationally Accredited PPS Advisor.