Need a bit of extra cash, but don’t have the time or inclination to get a second job? You might have heard about the FinGlobal Ambassador Programme but haven’t signed…
Times are tough, and in today’s economic climate everyone could use a little income booster, right? Of course. Signing up for the FinGlobal Ambassador programme is your ticket to fluffing…
Have you had a great experience with FinGlobal? Do you know of anyone living abroad and who would like to know more about how they can maximise their finances through…
We’ve been helping South Africans living abroad to unlock and transfer their funds globally since 2009. We’ve helped thousands of clients in over 105 countries and we’re not done yet!…
We’re delighted to be able to announce the winner of our Introducers Programme. The Introducers Programme was launched on the 1st of December 2015 and ended on the 30th of…
Learning and development industry specialist, Kate Zabriskie, noted that the customer’s experience is a business’s reality. Indeed, businesses often forget the bottom line – to provide products and services which…