Jaco Braaf

Financial Consultant

About Jaco

Jaco joined the FinGlobal team in May 2023.

He holds a National Certificate in Marketing. Jaco has 11 years of banking experience as well as 6 years of managerial experience.

Jaco is married with one daughter. He enjoys working on cars and spending time with his family.

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Inward foreign loans: a quick exchange control guide for South Africans

| Exchange control, FinGlobal, Newsletter | No Comments
Foreign loans can be a powerful tool for South African residents, offering access to capital at potentially lower interest rates with longer repayment terms compared to domestic credit options. However,…

Smoorsnoek recipe: A South African culinary classic

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Smoorsnoek, known as gesmoorde vis in Afrikaans, stands as a quintessential South African delicacy. This legendary dish perfectly combines the robust flavors of smoked snoek, a fish beloved throughout South…

Understanding document legalisation for South African expats

| FinGlobal, Newsletter | No Comments
Moving overseas as a South African expat? Brace yourself for a whirlwind of adventures, including the tricky business of getting your personal and professional documents accepted abroad. We're diving into…