In terms of the General Code of Conduct for authorised financial services providers and representatives, FinGlobal Migration (Proprietary) Limited (FinGlobal) is required to disclose the information in this document to its clients.
You are therefore requested to read through the document carefully. If there is anything in this document that you do not understand, please request further information from us.
FSP Name | FinGlobal Migration (Proprietary) Limited |
Registration no | 2009/023667/07 |
Postal address | Postnet Suite 154 Private Bag X16 Hermanus, 7200 |
Physical address | 7 Marine Square College Road Hermanus, 7200 |
Legal Status of the FSP | Private company |
Contact person | Ryno Viljoen |
info@finglobal.com | |
Office telephone no. | +27 28 312 2764 |
Name | Moonstone Compliance (Proprietary) Limited |
Physical address | 25 Quantum Street Technopark Stellenbosch, 7600 |
Contact person | Paul Coetzee |
Telephone number | +27 21 880 7100 |
paulcoetzee@moonstonecompliance.co.za |
FinGlobal is a South African authorised financial services provider (FSP number 42872) in terms of the Financial Advisory and Intermediaries Services Act, 37 of 2002 (FAIS) and is licensed to render advice and intermediary services in respect of the following financial products:
Sub cat |
Category Description: CATEGORY 1 |
Advice |
Intermediary Scripted |
Intermediary Other |
3 |
Long-Term Insurance subcategory B1 |
yes |
yes |
yes |
20 |
Long-Term Insurance subcategory B2 |
yes |
yes |
yes |
21 |
Long-Term Insurance subcategory B2-A |
yes |
yes |
yes |
22 |
Long-Term Insurance subcategory B1-A |
yes |
yes |
yes |
24 |
Structured Deposits |
yes |
no |
yes |
26 |
Participatory interest in a hedge fund |
yes |
no |
yes |
4 |
Long-Term Insurance subcategory C |
yes |
yes |
yes |
5 |
Retail Pension Benefits |
yes |
yes |
yes |
7 |
Pension Funds Benefits |
yes |
yes |
yes |
14 |
Participatory interests in a collective investment scheme |
yes |
yes |
yes |
17 |
Long-Term Deposits |
yes |
yes |
yes |
18 |
Short-Term Deposits |
yes |
yes |
yes |
A copy of our license certificate is available on request.
Note: The exchange control consulting and tax services offered by FinGlobal are not regulated in terms of FAIS and clients are therefore not afforded the same protections in respect of these additional products or services that may apply in respect of financial products or services in terms of FAIS.
FinGlobal holds Professional Indemnity and Comprehensive Fraud cover with iTOO.
All fees payable will be disclosed to the client and agreed upon in writing prior to any financial services being conducted. FinGlobal may receive a commission with the facilitation of foreign currency transactions of up to 2,5%, based on the terms as set out in the agreement with our product supplier.
FinGlobal may receive a referral fee from our product supplier in respect of clients referred to them for banking facilities.
We offer financial products from the product supplier listed below. Details of the product supplier is as follows:
Product supplier |
Bidvest Bank Limited |
Physical address |
1 Park Lane, Wierda Valley, Sandton, 2196 |
Postal address |
PO Box 185, Johannesburg, 2000 |
Telephone |
0860 11 11 77 |
Compliance department contact details |
+27 11 407 3000 BBcompliance@ bidvestbank.co.za |
Complaints department contact details |
0860 11 11 77 complaints@ bidvestbank.co.za |
The product supplier has not imposed any conditions or restrictions about the type of financial products or services that may be provided or rendered. FinGlobal does not hold, directly or indirectly, more than 10% of the shares in any product supplier. FinGlobal did not earn more than 30% of its total remuneration from any one product supplier.
All information provided by a client is treated in terms of the strictest confidentiality and will not be made available to third parties without prior written consent being obtained from the client unless we are obliged to do so in terms of the law.
FinGlobal places a high priority on our clients’ interests. As conflicts of interest affecting clients could undermine the integrity and professionalism of our business, any instances must be identified as early as possible. If conflict situations cannot be avoided, they must be managed equitably and in the clients’ interest.
Detecting potential or recognised conflicts of interest that could compromise the interest of clients and managing and limiting the impact of conflicts of interest therefore constitute an integral part of FinGlobal’s duties and obligations. A copy of our Conflict-of-Interest Management Policy can be requested from the Risk and Compliance Officer at:
Email address: compliance@finglobal.com
Telephone number: +27 28 312 2764
If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of our service, you may contact our offices. Kindly note that in terms of FAIS, and to ensure we adequately understand the nature of your concern, all complaints must be addressed to us in writing.
If you cannot settle your complaint with us, you are entitled to refer it to the Office of the Ombud for Financial Services Providers (FAIS Ombud).
The FAIS Ombud has been created to provide you with a redress mechanism for any inappropriate financial advice that you feel may have been given to you by a financial services provider. This does not include any tax or exchange control advice provided by FinGlobal.
Contact particulars of the FAIS Ombud | |
Postal address | PO Box 74571, Lynnwood Ridge, 0400 |
Telephone number | +27 12 470 9080 |
info@faisombud.co.za |
In terms of FICA, FinGlobal is an accountable institution. We are required to identify our prospective clients, verify the given information, and keep records of the verifying documents. We are also obliged to report suspicious and unusual transactions that may facilitate money laundering, terrorist financing and proliferation financing to the authorities.
FinGlobal Migration (Proprietary) Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of FinGlobal Holdings (Proprie-tary) Limited. Bid FinServ Capital (Proprietary) Limited has a 100% ownership interest in FinGlobal Holdings (Proprietary) Limited.
In terms of section 13 of FAIS, the following persons are mandated representatives of FinGlobal:
Category 1
Sub Cat | Category Description | Ryno Viljoen | Werner Duvenhage | Werner Kriel | Stefanus Jacobs | Francois vd Westhuizen | Johannes Vermaak | Phillip Meiring | Jason Jansen | Julian Viljoen | Pieter Muller | Tercia Woodrup |
3 | Long-Term Insurance subcategory B1 | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | IS | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | IS, SUS |
20 | Long-term insurance subcategory B2 | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | IS | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | IS, SUS |
21 | Long-term Insurance subcategory B2-A | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | IS | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | IS, SUS |
22 | Long-term Insurance subcategory B1-A | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | IS | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | IS, SUS |
24 | Structured Deposits | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | |||||||
26 | Participatory interest in a hedge fund | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | ||||||||
4 | Long-Term Insurance subcategory C | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | IS | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | IS, SUS |
5 | Retail Pension Benefits | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | IS | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | IS, SUS |
7 | Pension Funds Benefits | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | IS | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | IS, SUS |
14 | Participatory interests in a collective investment scheme | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | IS | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | IS, SUS |
17 | Long-term Deposits | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | IS | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | IS, SUS |
18 | Short-term Deposits | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | IS | A, IO | A, IO | A, IO | IS, SUS |
KEY: Advice A, Intermediary Scripted IS, Intermediary Other IO, Services under Supervision SUS |