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What can South Africans living abroad do with their annuities?

If you’re a South African living overseas, it’s more than likely that your retirement annuity is one of the things you left behind when you relocated. You might now find yourself wondering what you can do with these savings – can you cash in your South African retirement annuities? The answer to this question depends on your age, how long you’ve been living abroad and whether or not you intend to return to South Africa at some point in the future.

Let’s take a look at the options for South African expats and their retirement annuities.

Retirement annuities

South African retirement annuity rules: untouchable

Because the goal of a retirement annuity is to ensure that you have saved sufficient funds to get you through your retirement years, the general rule is that you cannot cash in your retirement annuity before the age of 55. There are a handful of exceptions to this legislative rule, but for the most part, your retirement annuity is untouchable.

Even when you reach retirement age, access to your savings as cash is limited. You are allowed to take one-third of your savings as a cash lump sum payout but the rest you must use to purchase an annuity that will pay out a regular pension for your golden years.

One of the major exceptions to the rule is that an individual may access their retirement withdrawal benefit when they cease to be a tax resident of South Africa, and they have maintained this non-resident status for a minimum of three years. This three-year waiting period is to prevent South Africans from moving abroad temporarily and using their relocation as a means to prematurely cash in their retirement savings.

​​The rules now state that anyone who wishes to access their retirement annuity may do so only if:

So what are your options when it comes to your retirement annuity, as a South African living abroad?

Before the age of 55:

After the age of 55:

Is there a penalty for early withdrawal of your retirement annuity?

Everything in life comes at a price, and early access to your retirement annuity is no exception. Early withdrawal will be subject to tax on top of any

penalties or administrative fees that your specific fund provider may have in place.

That’s not the end of it, however, as ceasing tax residency (that thing you need to do before you can access your retirement annuity early)  may trigger a deemed capital gains tax liability.

FinGlobal: tax emigration and retirement annuity encashment specialists

If you’re a South African permanently living abroad and you need a hand sorting out your tax emigration, FinGlobal can help.  We’ll help you straighten out your tax affairs, and get your retirement annuity funds where you need them to be.

Leave us your contact details and we’ll be in touch to discuss.

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