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Recipe for Steak with Chilli Chimichurri – serve with roosterkoek


There’s nothing better than a succulent steak on the braai. So, haul out the coals, light that fire and try out this succulent steak recipe with a twist…

Steak and Chilli Chimichurri recipe


For the Chimichurri:

How to:

Make the chimichurri first:
On a large chopping board, finely chop the parsley, mint and garlic. Transfer to a bowl and add the remaining ingredients. Check for seasoning and balance of flavours and adjust if necessary.

Meanwhile, season the steaks, add a drizzle of olive oil and cook for 4-5 minutes on each side over a braai or in a large pan over medium-high heat. Remove and set aside to rest for about 5 minutes before slicing thinly and serving immediately with the chimichurri and braai roosterkoekies.

Recipe provided by Sarah Graham, recipe creator and cookbook author.

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