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How to easily adapt to your new foreign workplace

So you’re immigrating and have a job lined up in your new country. Congratulations!

For many people, that’s the biggest hurdle of moving countries already checked off. But landing the job is not the end of it – for many expats settling into the “work-life culture” of their new country can be difficult. Here is some advice which will hopefully make the transition to your new role a bit easier.

Tips for settling into your new job abroad

Scope your new role out from a distance

Before you even accept your new role, exciting, as it may seem, check that you are suited for it. You might be delighted you are being promoted a few rungs up the ladder, but do you have the right skills for it?

Working in a foreign country is often harder, so it’s important to feel confident you have all the adequate training and skills for your new role before you take it on. Discuss with your new line manager what her or his expectations are and ensure you’re happy with them.

Tap into the country’s culture

Every country has a different work-life culture. South Africans are hard workers and tend to take demanding workplaces in their stride – but it’s still important to understand the culture in your new business and country. If you’re moving to a country like Dubai or Japan, you’ll discover there are a vast number of traditions, courtesies and procedure you must observe in order to be successful in the workplace.

Observe your team before you take action

Once you are in the job, take your time to observe your team and identify strengths and weaknesses before you make any decisive actions. One of the worst things you can do is dive into the work place and start making decisions that are likely to upset the moral of your team. If you feel strongly about a particular issue, bring up your concerns on a one-to-one basis.

Look and act the part

A confident, optimistic attitude is important. “Fake it till you make it” is an old adage, but a very good one to follow when you’re starting a job in a new country. There will be a lot you have to get your head round, but if you’re smiling and happy, people will generally have more confidence in your abilities. If there is a preferred dress code in your new company, consider sticking to it for a little while. Being “dressed for success” helps create a successful image and will communicate to others that you are ready to fill your role.

Network outside the office

Many companies have a culture where a lot more “work” is done after hours in the bar, on the golf course or even on the squash court. It’s important to be seen as a team player who takes part in office social activities. As an expat, it will also help you to build new relationships, which can even turn into long-lasting friendships.

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