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March 2013: What could be more South African than the perfect braaibroodjie

“My hande is so ingebraai en taai dat ek die wors met my vingers omdraai. As ek agter die braai is you can’t go wrong…” Jack Parow.

South Africans like braaing. No better way to treat friends and family to a braaibroodjie before the coals go to sleep. There’s no shortage as to what makes a really lekker braaibroodjie. The basics, however:

A Castle in one hand and the braai grill, ready in the other. Liefie bring daai broodjies voor die kole gaan slaap! For the rest we’re talking two slices, white or brown, bread – lightly buttered on the inside. To suggest how to build the tastiest braaibroodjie in the whole universe is like…mmm, let’s not go there.’s braai master’s tip: tomato, onion, salt and white pepper as a base. Thereafter it’s like building a Boere Pizza – cheese, ham, chutney, mayonnaise, bacon, biltong, banana, jam…whatever makes her happy!

The trick? Forget the cotton binding of the ’70’s, line the broodjies up like blokkies raaisel in thetoeklap rooster, keep an eye on the toasty colour of the bread and a nose on the lekker smell. Don’t hang on till the Castle is finished, do the right thing. Take off when ready to serve. Promptly crack another cold one!

Hoe ry die boere sit sit so…

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